Silchar24.In: Directorate of AYUSH, Assam ने आयुष निदेशालय, असम और राज्य के विभिन्न आयुर्वेदिक और होम्योपैथिक कॉलेजों में 56 Grade III & Grade IV Vacancy की भर्ती के लिए 2 रोजगार अधिसूचना जारी की है। इच्छुक और योग्य उम्मीदवार इन वैकेंसी के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं

AYUSH Assam Recruitment 2021 Details
AYUSH Assam Recruitment 2021 | Assam Jobs 2021 |
Post Name | Grade III and Grade IV |
Total Posts | 56 |
Age Limit | 14-40 |
Qualification | 8th pass and above |
Application Process | online |
Application Fee | free |
Start Date | Not declared yet |
Last Date | Not declared yet |
Post & Vacancy
Post | Vacancy |
1. Office Supervising Assistant | 1 |
2. Computer Operator | 1 |
3. Typist cum Computer Operator | 1 |
4. Rasashala Assistant | 1 |
5. Plant Collector | 1 |
6. LDA | 3 |
7. LDA Cum Typist | 1 |
8. LDA cum Store Keeper | 1 |
9. Store Clerk | 1 |
10. Accountant | 1 |
11. Librarian | 1 |
12. Grade IV | 43 |
Category-Wise Vacancy
Category | Vacancy |
UR | 19 |
OBC/ MOBC | 9 |
SC | 3 |
STP | 3 |
STH | 3 |
EWS | 6 |
Post-Wise Vacancy
Post | Vacancy |
Office Peon | 4 |
Chowkidar | 2 |
Sweeper | 3 |
Grade IV | 26 |
Mali | 1 |
Museum Keeper | 1 |
Attendant | 1 |
Ward Boy | 2 |
Ward Girl | 2 |
Cook | 1 |
AYUSH Assam Recruitment 2021 Age Limit
आवेदन प्राप्त करने की अंतिम तिथि के अनुसार उम्मीदवार की आयु 18 से 40 वर्ष के बीच होनी चाहिए।
Age Relaxation: The category-wise age relaxation is as mentioned below –
- OBC/ MOBC: 3 years
- SC/ST: 5 years
- PWD: 10 years
AYUSH Assam Recruitment 2021 Post Qualification
1. Office Supervising Assistant
- B. Com from a University recognized by the Government with 1 (one) year Diploma/ Certificate in Computer Application from a recognized Institute.
2. Computer Operator
- Graduation in Arts, Commerce or Science from a University recognized by the State Government or a degree equivalent thereto and recognized the Government with 1 (one) year Diploma / Certificate in Computer Application from a recognized Institute.
3. Typist cum Computer Operator
- Graduation in Arts, Commerce or Science from a University recognized by the State Government or a degree equivalent thereto and recognized the Government with 1 (one) year Diploma / Certificate in Computer Application from a recognized Institute.
4. Rasashala Assistant
- B. Sc (Major in Chemistry) from a University recognized by the Government with 1 (one) year Diploma / Certificate in Computer Application from a recognized Institute.
5. Plant Collector
- B. Sc (Major in Botany) from a University recognized by the Government with 1 (one) year Diploma / Certificate in Computer Application from a recognized Institute.
6. LDA
- Graduation in Arts, Commerce or Science from a University recognized by the State Government or a degree equivalent thereto and recognized the Government with 1 (one) year Diploma / Certificate in Computer Application from a recognized Institute.
7. LDA Cum Typist
- Graduation in Arts, Commerce or Science from a University recognized by the State Government or a degree equivalent thereto and recognized the Government with 1 (one) year Diploma / Certificate in Computer Application from a recognized Institute
8. LDA cum Store Keeper
- Graduation in Arts, Commerce or Science from a University recognized by the State Government or a degree equivalent thereto and recognized the Government with 1 (one) year Diploma / Certificate in Computer Application from a recognized Institute
9. Store Clerk
- Graduation in Arts, Commerce or Science from a University recognized by the State Government or a degree equivalent thereto and recognized the Government with 1 (one) year Diploma / Certificate in Computer Application from a recognized Institute
10. Accountant
- B. Com from a University recognized by the Government with 1 (one) year Diploma / Certificate in Computer Application from a recognized Institute
11. Librarian
- Graduation in Arts, Commerce or Science from a University recognized by the State Government or a degree equivalent thereto and recognized the Government with Library Science
12. Grade IV
- Class VIII Passed
Salary of AYUSH Assam Recruitment 2021
1. Office Supervising Assistant
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000 – Rs.60,500 + Rs.7400/- (GP)
2. Computer Operator
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000 – Rs.60,500 + Rs.6200/- (GP)
3. Typist cum Computer Operator
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000 – Rs.60,500 + Rs.6200/- (GP)
4. Rasashala Assistant
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000 – Rs.60,500 + Rs.6200/- (GP)
5. Plant Collector
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000 – Rs.60,500 + Rs.6200/- (GP)
6. LDA
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000 – Rs.60,500 + Rs.6200/- (GP)
7. LDA Cum Typist
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000 – Rs.60,500 + Rs.6200/- (GP)
8. LDA cum Store Keeper
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000 – Rs.60,500 + Rs.6200/- (GP)
9. Store Clerk
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000 – Rs.60,500 + Rs.6200/- (GP)
10. Accountant
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000 – Rs.60,500 + Rs.6200/- (GP)
11. Librarian
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,000 – Rs.60,500 + Rs.6200/- (GP)
12. Grade IV
Pay Scale: Rs. 12,000 – Rs.52,000 + Rs.3900/- (GP)
How to Apply for AYUSH Assam Recruitment 2021?
इच्छुक और योग्य उम्मीदवार आधिकारिक आयुष असम भर्ती पोर्टल पर जाकर इन रिक्तियों के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं। ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने के लिए उम्मीदवार नीचे दिए गए चरणों का पालन कर सकते हैं.
Step-1: नीचे स्क्रॉल करें, Important Links section पर जाएं।
Step-2: “Online Apply Here” पर क्लिक करें और “New Registration” पर क्लिक करके पंजीकरण प्रक्रिया को पूरा करें।
Step-3: अगले चरण में, “Online Apply Here” लिंक पर क्लिक करें और लॉगिन करें।
Step-4: अपने सभी व्यक्तिगत और शैक्षिक विवरण भरें और आवश्यक दस्तावेज अपलोड करें।
Step-5: अंत में फॉर्म को सबमिट कर दें।
Step-6: आवेदन पत्र का प्रिंट आउट लेना न भूलें।
Important Links of AYUSH Assam Recruitment 2021
Download Advertisement | Click Here |
Online Apply Here | Coming Soon |
Official Website | Click Here |
Silchar24.In |
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