50+ डॉक्टर, प्रतीक्षा अस्पताल गुवाहाटी डॉक्टर सूची के बारे में

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Doctor List: हर वक्त सभी को यह चिंता लगी रहती है की यदी सेहत ख़राब हो जाए तो उसे ठीक कैसे करेंगे, कहाँ से इतना पैसा लाएंगे, आज के समय में इतने सारे बीमारी होती है क्या वे ठेक होंगे.

तो में आपको बता दू की यदी आप भी ये सभी चीजे सोच सोच के परेशान है तो अब चिंता छोड़िये क्युकी गुवाहाटी के Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati में ऐसे बहुत से डॉक्टर मौजूद है जो गंभीर से गंभीर बीमारी का इलाज कर ठीक कर सकते है.

इसके साथ ही आपके जानकारी के लिए बता दे की वे सभी सिर्फ असम राज्य के गुवाहाटी के ही नहीं वल्कि भारत के पोड़ोसी देशो के लोगो के भी लोगो का इलाज करते है और उनके गंभीर से गंभीर बीमारी को Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati के डॉक्टर अपने इस चिकित्सा से ठीक कर चुके है. जिसके लिए वे बहुत ही कम पैसे चार्ज भी करते है.

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Doctor List
Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Doctor List

यदी आप इस हॉस्पिटल के सभी डॉक्टर के बारे में जानना चाहते है तो आप बिलकुल सही जगह में है, क्युकी आज हम Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Doctor List के विषय में बात करने वाले है. तो आइए अब देर न करते हुए जानते है Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Doctor List के बारे में.

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Doctor List

आपके जानकारी के लिए बता दे की Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati बहुत ही अच्छा और प्रतीक्षा अस्पताल हर व्यक्ति की पहुंच के भीतर मानव स्पर्श के साथ चिकित्सा उत्कृष्टता प्रदान करने वाली अत्याधुनिक तकनीक वाला एक सुपर स्पेशियलिटी अस्पताल है।

हमने निचे इस हॉस्पिटल के हर एक डॉक्टर के बारे में जानकारी दी है, जिसमे हमने उनका नाम, अनुभव, स्पेशलिटी आदि के बारे में बात की है. जिससे आपको इस हॉस्पिटल के डॉक्टर के बारे में काफी अंदाजा लग जाएगा और आप अपने मन चाहे डॉक्टर से इलाज करवा सकते है. तो आइए अब जानते है Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Doctor List को.

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Gynaecologist and Obstetrician Doctor List

1# Dr. Pramod Kumar Sharma

Director, Department of Assisted Reproduction (IVF)

Experience: 25+ years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Assisted Reproduction (IVF)

2# Dr. Diganta Deka

Senior Consultant

Experience: 15 + years of Experience

Specialty: Gynaecologist & Infertility Specialist

3# Dr. Diganta Chetia

MD , Senior Consultant, Gynaecologist and Obstetrician, Infertility specialist and Laparoscopic surgeon

Experience: 18 + years of Experience

Specialty: Gynaecologist & Infertility Specialist and Laparoscopic surgeon

4# Dr. Mujibur Rahman

Senior Consultant

Experience: 15 + years of Experience

Specialty: Gynaecologist & Infertility Specialist

5# Dr. Madhurjya Bikash Gogoi

Senior Consultant

Experience: 10+ years of Experience

Specialty: Gynaecological laproscopy surgery

6# Dr. (Mrs) Anudhriti Dutta

Senior Consultant

Experience: 12+ years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynaecology

7# Dr. (Mrs) Runa Biswas Dutta


Experience: 8+ Years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynaecology

8# Dr. Ruprasi Dutta


Experience: 8 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynaecology

9# Dr. Aminakshi Dutta


Experience: 5 + years of Experience

Specialty: Consultant Gynaecologist

10# Dr. Jenny Deuri


Experience: 5 + years of Experience

Specialty: Consultant Gynaecologist

11# Dr. Tsering Wangdi

Consultant Gynecologist

Experience: 8 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynaecology

12# Dr. Nitam Deka

Consultant, Gynaecologist and Obstetrician, IVF specialist and Laparoscopic surgeon

Experience: 8 + years of Experience

Specialty: IVF specialist and Laparoscopic surgeon

13# Dr. Mustafiza Yasmin


Experience: 5 + years of Experience

Specialty: Consultant Gynaecologist

14# Dr. Shikha Bathwal

Associate Consultant

Experience: 3+ Years

Specialty: Consultant Gynaecologist

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Pediatrician & Neonatology Doctor List

1# Dr. Partha Pratim Borah

Consultant Pediatrician

Experience: 15 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Paediatrics & Neonatology

2# Dr. Nayan Mani Deka

Consultant Pediatrician

Experience: 10+ years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Paediatrics, Neonatology, Asthma & Allergy

3# Dr. Raj Kumar Paul

Pediatric Consultant

Experience: 10+ years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Paediatrics & Neonatology

4# Dr. Afsana Jahan

Pediatric Consultant

Experience: 10+ years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Pediatric Nephrologist

5# Dr. Manish Agarwal

Consultant Pediatrician

Experience: 10+ years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Paediatrics and Neonatology

6# Dr. Debasish Das

Consultant Pediatrician

Experience: 10+ Years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Paediatrics, Neonatology

7# Dr. Abhamoni Baro

Consultant Endocrinologist

Experience: 10+Years of Experience

Specialty: Consultant Endocrinologist and Diabetes specialist

8# Dr. Supriya Choudhury


Experience: 10+ Years of Experience

Specialty: Pediatric Cardiologist

9# Dr. Jeevan Silwal

Pediatric Neurologist

Experience: 10+ years of experience

Specialty: Pediatric Neurologist

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Doctor List

1# Dr. Diganta Apurba Phukan

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Experience: 22+ years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Sports Medicine

2# Dr. J. Mukhopadhya

Visiting Consultant

Experience: 34+ years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Orthopaedics

3# Dr. Anant Joshi

Visiting Consultant

Experience: 28+ years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Orthopaedics

4# Dr. Taral Nagda

Visiting Consultant

Experience: 10 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Orthopaedics & Paediatric Orthopaedics

5# Dr. Vinod Agarwala

Visiting Consultant

Experience: 34 + years of Experience

Specialty: Orthopedist, Joint Replacement Surgeon, Spine Surgeon

6# Dr. Deepak Bhatia

Visiting Consultan

Experience: 17 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist

7# Dr. Sudhir Warrier

Visiting Consultant and Orthopaedic Surgeon

Experience: 30 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Hand and Wrist afflictions, Reconstructive Orthopedic surgery

8# Dr Jintu Bora

Visiting Consultant

Experience: 10 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Orthopaedics

9# Dr. Milind Prabhakar Gajewar

Visiting Consultant

Experience: 21+ years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Foot and Ankle Surgery

10# Dr. Uday M Pawar

Visiting Consultant

Experience: 15+ years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery & Spine Surgery

11# Dr. Sukalyan Dey

Consultant Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon

Experience: 5+ years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Pediatric Orthopaedic

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati General Surgery Doctor List

1# Dr. Mintu Borgohain


Experience: 10 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in General Surgery

2# Dr. Anjanjyoti Sarma

Consultant Robotic, Laparoscopic, Bariatric & Anorectal Surgeon

Experience: 13 + years of Experience

Specialty: Robotic, Laparoscopic, Bariatric & Anorectal Surgery

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Fetal Medicine Doctor List

1# Dr. Satyajit Chowhan


Experience: 10 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Fetal Medicine

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Internal Medicine Doctor List

1# Dr. Taizuddin Ahmed

Senior Consultant

Experience: 10 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Internal Medicine

2# Dr. Tanoy Bose

Visiting Consultant

Experience: 18+ years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Internal Medicine

3# Dr. Trinayani Barua

Senior R.M.O

Specialty: Internal Medicine Specialist

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Anesthesiology Doctor List

1# Dr. Daisy Gogoi


Experience: 13 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Anesthesiology & Pain Management

2# Dr. Anup Dutta

Consultant & ICU In-charge

Experience: 13 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Anesthesiology & Pain Management

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati ENT Doctor List

1# Dr. Gautam Khaund

Chief Consultant & HOD

Experience: 10 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Head & Neck Surgery

2# Dr. Biswajit Gogoi

Consultant ENT and Head and Neck Surgeon

Experience: 10 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist Head & Neck Surgery

3# Dr. Anjana (Payeng) Talukdar

ENT and Allergologist

Experience: 20+ Years of Experience

Specialty: ENT and Allergologist

4# Dr. Debika Baruah


Experience: 10 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in ENT

5# Dr. Sanchita Kalita

Consultant ENT Surgeon

Experience: 5+ Years of Experience

Specialty: Consultant ENT Surgeon

6# Dr. Rupjyoti Das


Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Infertility & IVF Doctor List

1# Dr. Pramod Kumar Sharma

Director, Department of Assisted Reproduction (IVF)

Experience: 25+ years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Assisted Reproduction (IVF)

2# Dr. Diganta Deka

Senior Consultant

Experience: 15 + years of Experience

Specialty: Gynaecologist & Infertility Specialist

3# Dr. Diganta Chetia

Senior Consultant

Experience: 15 + years of Experience

Specialty: Gynaecologist & Infertility Specialist

4# Dr. Mujibur Rahman

Senior Consultant

Experience: 15 + years of Experience

Specialty: Gynaecologist & Infertility Specialist

5# Dr. Nitam Deka

Consultant, Gynaecologist and Obstetrician, IVF specialist and Laparoscopic surgeon

Experience: 8 + years of Experience

Specialty: IVF specialist and Laparoscopic surgeon

6# Dr. Shikha Bathwal

Associate Consultant

Experience: 3+ Years

Specialty: Associate Consultant

7# Dr. Manab Sarma


Experience: 20 + years of Experience

Specialty: Embryologists

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Audiology & Speech Language Pathology Doctor List

1# Ms. Manashi Sarmah


Experience: 2 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Audiology & Speech Language Pathology

2# Ms. Nongmaithem Rojina Devi


Experience: 2 + years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Audiologist and Speech Language Pathology

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Clinical Laboratory Doctor List

1# Dr. Julie Bania

Experience: 12+ Years of Experience

Specialty: HOD & Consultant Microbiologist

2# Dr. Rana Kalita

Experience: 10+ Years of Experience

Specialty: Consultant Pathologist

3# Dr. Jayanta Das

Experience: 13+ Years of Experience

Specialty: Consultant Biochemist

4# Dr. Bhargav Mili

Experience: 3+ Years of Experience

Specialty: Junior Consultant Biochemist

5# Dr. Wasim Akram Hussain

Experience: 2+ Years of Experience

Specialty: Jr. Consultant Pathologist

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Radiologist Doctor List

1# Dr. Partha Mohan

Experience: 10+ Years of Experience

Specialty: Sr. Consultant Radiologist

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Plastic Surgery Doctor List

1# Dr Sandeep Dawre

Experience: 11+Years

Specialty: Visiting Consultant – Plastic Surgery

2# Dr. Anjanjyoti Sarma

Consultant Surgeon

Experience: 13 + years of Experience

Specialty: Consultant General Surgeon

3# Dr. (Mrs) Runa Biswas Dutta


Experience: 8+ Years of Experience

Specialty: Consultant Cosmetic Gynaecologist

4# Dr. Hemanta Kalita

Consultant Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon

Experience: 10 + years Ex. Consultant, Plastic Surgery department, Max Hospital, Delhi

Specialty: Specialist in Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Psychologist Doctor List

1# Ms. Priyanka Bhattacharjee

Consultant Clinical Psychologist

Experience: 5 Years of Experience

Specialty: Specialist in Clinical Psychology

2# Ms Joypriya Rabha

Experience: 2+ Years Exp.

Specialty: Psychologist

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Physiotherapist Doctor List

1# Dr Ujwal Bhattacharya (PT)

Consultant Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapist

Experience: 15+ years of experience

Specialty: Consultant Physiotherapist, Trained PNF Practitioner Certified Dry Needling Practitioner.

2# Dr Pangkhy Bora (PT)

Physiotherapy Consultant for Pre and Antenatal Gynae Patients

Experience: 13+ Years Exp.

Specialty: Trained Pre and Post Natal Practioner

3# Dr Zhiithohrii Daikho (PT)

Senior Consultant Physiotherapist, Incharge of Pediatric Physiotherapy

Experience: 13+ Years Exp.

Specialty: Senior Consultant Physiotherapist, Certified SMT Trained in NDT for children with special needs

4# Dr Monalisha Das (PT)

Pediatric Physiotherapist

Experience: 7+Years Exp.

Specialty: Pediatric Physiotherapist

5# Dr M Jeena Devi (PT)

Pediatric Physiotherapist

Experience: 10+ Years Exp.

Specialty: Pediatric Physiotherapist, trained in NDT

6# Dr Munindra Mohan Gogoi (PT)

Pediatric Physiotherapist

Experience: Fresher

Specialty: Pediatric Physiotherapist

8# Dr . Chinngailhing Haokip (PT)

Consultant Occupational Therapist

Experience: 2+ Years Exp.

Specialty: Consultant Occupational Therapist

Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Surgical Oncology Doctor List

1# Dr Raleng

Senior Consultant in Surgical Oncology

Experience: 10+ Years of Experience

Specialty: Well trained in minimal invasive surgeries, both for benign and malignant cases.

मुझे उम्मीद है की आपको हमारी यह पोस्ट Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati Doctor List के बारे मे जानकारी पसंद आइ होगी. यदी पसंद आई है तो हमारे इस पोस्ट को अपने दोस्तों के साथ Share जुरूर करे. ताकि इस पोस्ट से उन्हे भी फायदा हो सके.

हमारे अन्य पोस्ट पढ़े –

Suraj Barai

Suraj Barai is a content creator, insurance consultant, Udemy instructor, and the founder of this website. He is an IRDA-approved insurance advisor with LIC of India, helping clients make informed financial decisions. With a passion for sharing knowledge, Suraj dedicates his free time to creating engaging and informative videos for his YouTube channel, inspiring and educating his audience. facebook instagram twitter youtube telegram

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